Bienvenue chez

Nous offrons une experience unique à travers des délices traditionnels et un service de qualité.

Méditerranéen et Levantin

Profitez d’un voyage gustatif exceptionnel
C’est notre travail, chaque jour, de faire briller chaque aspect de notre culture à travers chaque bouchée que vous prenez.





Boeuf et agneau hachés, oignons, persil, tomates, menthes, patates allumettes, sauce tarator, pain pita.



Jarret de boeuf braisé, oignons, persil, tomates, menthes, patates allumettes, pain pita.



Boeuf et agneau hachés , oignons, persil, menthes, tomates, poivrons rouges, patates allumettes tarator, pain pita

Cuisses et poitrines de poulet, concombres fermentés, tomates, laittues, patates allumettes, sauce toum, pain pita



Falafel, laittues, tomates, concombres fermentés , sauce tarator, pain pita


Couscous, concombres, poivrons rouges, menthes, tomates, oignons vert , oignons rouge, raisins sultana, huile d’olive, jus de citron.

Laitue romaine, mâches, tomates, radis, concombres, pommegranates, oignon vert, sumac , huile d ´olive, jus de citron, melasse de grenadine.

Presil, menthe, bulgur, oignons vert, oignons blanc, tomates, huile d’olive, jus de citron.




Pois chiches, jus de citron, eau de pois chiches, sauce tahini.

Poivrons rouges rotis, noix de grenoble, amandes, ail, melasse de grenadine, sauce tahini, ciabatta.

Aubergines rôtis, melasse de grenadine, sauce tahini.


Jus de citron, syrop simple (sucre et eau), eau de fleur D´oranger, menthe.

Yogourt, menthe et concombre.



Syrop de date, raisin et caroube, eau, amandes effilochées, raisins sultana.


Pommes de terres frites, sel, paprika.

Pommes de terres cuites, ail et corrianddre.

Fal & Fel is a hidden gem in Montreal! The flavors here are truly remarkable. I felt like I was transported to the streets of Beirut with every bite. The falafels are a must-try, and the shawarma is out of this world. Plus, the welcoming atmosphere and friendly staff make every visit a delightful experience. I can't wait to come back and explore more of their menu.
Alicia Clark
I've traveled extensively in the Middle East, and I can honestly say that Fal & Fel brings an authentic taste of the region to Montreal. The attention to detail in their dishes is impressive. The hummus is velvety, the tabbouleh is fresh, and their baklava is simply heavenly. It's a must-visit for anyone who craves genuine Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine.
Jacob Dan
Every time I dine at Fal & Fel, I leave with a smile on my face. Their menu offers such a variety of flavors, and each dish is prepared with care. The family-owned atmosphere adds a special touch, making you feel like part of their family. Whether you're a regular or a first-time visitor, you'll be treated to exceptional food and hospitality. Don't miss out on this culinary treasure!
Betty Ward